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Segundo concurso para los alumnos de Warwick House

Llegamos a un final de curso muy diferente a los vividos en años anteriores. Pese a las circunstancias tan complicadas que hemos vivido, hemos seguido manteniendo el contacto con nuestros estudiantes y conseguido mantener el calendario académico, intentando ser de ayuda y no paralizar los planes de estudios de tantas personas.

concurso warwick houseDurante estos meses de alarma sanitaria, desde Warwick House hemos organizado dos iniciativas con nuestros alumnos de todas las edades y niveles. El objetivo de estos concursos era precisamente mantener ese contacto y las actividades de estudio del inglés, al mismo tiempo que podríamos compartir entre todos nuestros pensamientos sobre la situación tan anómala que estamos viviendo.

Al igual que nos ocurrió con la primera iniciativa “Everything is going to be ok”, este segundo concurso han sido todo un éxito de participación, con un nivel muy elevado de todos los participantes. En esta segunda convocatoria, pedíamos a nuestros alumnos, de un nivel medio alto (B2), que plasmaran sobre papel sus impresiones sobre el impacto de la Covid-19 en nuestra sociedad.


Tras una difícil deliberación, hoy os anunciamos que la ganadora ha sido Sara Martínez Nieto. A continuación, compartimos su redacción (essay):

The pandemic that we are experiencing right now caused by coronavirus is something very rare, a fact of a global magnitude that we will surely not live again and that will have consequences in the way we communicate with people.

One of the main aspects of our lives that change due to the current crisis is the way we have of relating to other people. This will drastically change at least until a vaccine is found, that is, we will have to wear a mask, respect a safe distance, and be quite aware of our hygiene. I think that even if a vaccine is found and the coronavirus is no longer a risk, all these types of habits that we will have obtained will not disappear or at least those most important like being less affective when greeting people or respect the distance when we are with people.

Another aspect of our life that will surely change is how we value material things. I think that so much time apart from our friends and family will make us appreciate more the relationships we have with the people around us. Unfortunately, I don’t think this is going to be something that lasts because when seeing our family and friends is something normal again, that feeling will disappear although I hope not.

The last thing I want to talk about that may be different is the way to go shopping. Although this option was something that many people already used, there was still a large part of the population, especially the more mature one that was not in favour of this method; This quarantine will have served many people as the perfect time to test this way of making your purchases so that many people have been able to find this method help in their life.

In conclusion, although our life will no longer be the same, we have to see this with a perspective of change, appreciate more what we have and life in general, we have been locked up for a time and now we must return with hope and facing this new reality.

Sara Martínez Nieto

Además, tenemos lista una sorpresa con los trabajos recibidos que nos hace mucha ilusión y que os comunicaremos en breve.

Enhorabuena a Sara y muchas gracias al resto de los participantes.

¡No podríamos estar más orgullosos de nuestros alumnos!

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